"Pores, Mama! We're making pores!" Tyler came rushing into the kitchen on the Fourth of July fresh from the rooftop deck with Daddy, all out of breath to tell me about all the fun they were having up top making s'mores in the chimeria (they were pretty darn tasty-no wonder he was excited). His language skills are a constant source of entertainment for us. "What is all this crap floating in the air, Daddy?" he asked that same day, parroting my question regarding the ash coming out of the chimeria. Time to really start watching our language, I think. He also likes to rhyme and has developed his own language just by rhyming (I am often referred to as mommy-sommy-tommy). We had a great Fourth of July weekend with most of the days spent at the beach. We're now able to venture deeper into the water with Tyler screaming and holding my hand and loving every moment of it (me, too). Tristan already loves the ocean as well and he sleeps especially peacefully in the Baby Bjorn to the sounds of the ocean as John and I take turns walking up and down the beach with him. On the way home each day we got Tyto a special treat of bubble gum ice cream to eat in his stroller. Every passerby made some sort of comment about him and his patriotic blue bubblegum mess all over the place.
While Tristan did not get any bubblegum ice cream, he's not going to be too far behind Tyto once he gets up and running. He already has his first tooth, is wearing 6/9 month clothes, rolls over easily and will sit in his chair and watch his big brother with his huge saucer eyes hop across the room. You can tell he can't wait until it's his turn. Tyto can't wait, either. He LOVES his little brother and constantly is giving him kisses and hugs (to the point where you can see him visibly shaking) and states, "I think he likes me! He's my best friend." It is truly adorable. So, here are some more photos of what we've been up to: Sleep in a bed? Why would I want to do that when Mama and Thimila will hold me all day? I'll have this monkey for breakfast by the time I'm 6 months old! Best friends! Staring war! I will win, don't even try.
Tyto at Pint-sized sports class, which we have recently dropped due to lack of interst since the swings on the playgroup are a bigger draw. Can you build it? Yes we can! Tristan LOVES his bath. Rub a dub dub.