Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Since March

I haven't blogged since March, which isn't horrible, considering I was thinking I hadn't blogged since Valentine's Day. The boys are growing so fast it makes my head spin, I can't believe we're already in the first week of summer vacation! We've got a ton planned and I know it's going to fly by, I just wish I could capture it all and hold on to it forever. I know I can't, so I try to take every moment and put it away in my memory cells for later (okay, not every moment, like when Tristan has his tantrums because he doesn't want to do something). Anyway, since March we had Easter, have had numerous days at the beach, went to Santa Barbara with Uncle Ed, John and I went to Florida (alone!), and Tyler had his last day of school. Here are some photos!

Post Easter egg hunt sugar coma

The careful examination of the dyed egg.

Already Tristan can program the VCR, debug the Direct TV and write code.

Tristan and Scout on an outing in Colorado over spring break.
Spring break sunset in the always fun to visit Colorado.