What is the date? August 22nd already? Really? Where did summer go? It feels like it just got here because a) we've been traveling so much and b) the weather in Hermosa just this week became summeresque. School starts next week for many of the kids here, lucky for us we have another two weeks to hit the beach and all the hot spots of SoCal that we didn't get to yet. The boys have been such fantastic travelers this summer, totally going with the flow. They have been on 11 airplanes, stayed in six hotels, hung with grandparents, aunts and uncles, visited the Space Needle, swam in Puget Sound, the hot tub at the Four Seasons and Kalahari's water park in Wisconsin Dells. They have weathered one canceled flight resulting in two irritated parents, one random stay in Dallas without so much as a toothbrush and as Tyler put it, "We had to sleep in shirts, we didn't even have pants!" So true, and sadly the shirts read, "Here Comes Trouble, Dallas." Lucky for us, they have embraced the whole thing as an adventure, especially our pending move to Seattle. Tyler made us feel better when he stated, "This Seattle thing just keeps getting better and better!" Tristan just romps around, happy to be going places and meeting new friends. While Tyler hangs back, Tristan is the first one out there and can always be counted on to run down the jetway with his hair on fire giving his father a heart attack (mom knows going down the jetway is no problem, he can't escape, it's going up and out the jetway you have to watch out for). So, here are a few photos from our summer adventures to Seattle (twice!), Colorado, Iowa and Wisconsin Dells. Whew!

Butterflies and other crawly insects with Grandpa at the Butterfly Pavillion outside of Boulder, cool!

Tristan driving Grandpa's "Big Red Truck!"

Tyler catches a fish with Papa over the 4th of July in Grand Lake.

Tristan gets psyched abou the beautiful mountains and freezing lake water in Lake Grandby.

We could have spent all afternoon throwing rocks into the lake. Tristan kept giving us heartattacks since he would go so close to the water.

Go-Karts at Heritage Square in Golden - woo hoo! Tristan had a MAJOR meltdown when he was not allowed to ride the rollercoaster more than five times in a row. We're talking MAJOR.

Tristan and Elliot ride the arcade rides. I think it's fair to say our rates will be going way up when Tristan turns 16.

Fun at the Children's Museum with Elliott, Uncle Matt and Aunt Kristin.

Our budding scientist, Tyler becomes "Dr. Bubble!"

The three little cousins in their bubble house.

Back home between trips we chilled out on the patio with the tools from Handy Manny and a tea party or two.

Back in Seattle Tristan tries to warm up to the freezing waters of Puget Sound.

Tyler and Daddy meanwhile have no problem loosing all feeling in their numb feet. They even find some dead jellyfish, hooray!

We meet Uncle Ed in Bainbridge Island and tour the town with him.

Back in Hermosa, we tried at art class. The boys complained the entire time and I had to cancel us out of there. Too bad, Tristan looks like he could be really good!

Happy Birthday to Uncle Ed! Make a wish for no headwinds because shortly afterwards, he rode his bike from L.A. to Seattle!

Grandpa and Kookie found time to visit us this summer. The boys love trying to bury their grandparents in the sand.

Bacon on Bainbridge Island tastes good!!!

Tristan on the ferry to Bainbridge. He loved running around the decks and checking out the boats.

Have movie, will travel.

Back in Hermosa, we take the time to check out Wilderness Park and their overly fed turtles and ducks. We also say hi to five of the "Uncle Ed" squirrels that were caught at our house and brought here.

Tyler: "Dude, those waves look epic."
Tristan: "Rock on, man. I took a gnarly faceplant on my longboard this morning. Practically broke my skull."
Tyler: "That is so totally radical."

Then it was off to Iowa for fun in the sun with Grandma and the gang.

We even took a long road trip to Wisconsin Dells, the waterpark capital of the world, where you can play all day on waterslides and never do one twice, or just use air hockey paddles to make yourself look like a manaical Mickey Mouse.

On our way to Iowa, our flight was delayed and we had to stay in Dallas for the night. Tyler is so good at rolling with the punches, he was just excited that we had to sleep in our clothes and freshly purchased T-shirts that read, "Here Comes Trouble, Dallas."

Knee high by the Fourth of July, eh? By August, this stuff is way over our heads! They couldn' believe that there was actual corn growing on these plants literally everywhere we went. This stuff was maybe 50 feet from he airport.

Back, home, safe and sound. Whew!