Tyto: And they took Mama and Tyto and Tristan and Chi with them!
Me: Yes, they all came, too.
Tyto: And when they went through the tunnel at the airport, what did Chi say?
Me: Oh, Chi was very, very scared. Tyto had to hold her hand because it was very dark and there were scary monsters in the tunnel.
Tyto: And they jumped out and scared Chi and she screamed!
Me: Yes, but then Chi realized that Tyto was holding her hand and that she would be okay. Then she saw that the monster was actually Elmo and he asked where they were going and when he found out they were going to Nana and Papa's he asked if he could come, too! So, he climbed in the car..
Tyto: they opened the back door for him...
Me: yes, they opened the back door for him and he climbed in and they went to the aiport and bought their tickets.
Tyto: and Cookie Monster was there selling the tickets!
Me: yes, and Cookie asked them where they were going and when he found out they were going to Nana and Papa's, he asked if he could go, too. They said yes and bought some cookies from him as well and they all got on the plane.
Tyto: And who was the pilot?
Me: Funny you should ask.. Mama took Tristan up to get his picture taken with the pilot and it was Grover! And he asked if he could come to Nana and Papa's house, too! So they all took off and Big Bird was the flight attendant and Oscar the Grouch was another passenger and he asked for a drink of...
Tyto: trash!!!
Me: yes, trash!! He wanted a trash drink, it was delicious. Nobody else drank that, though. Everyone else wanted lemonade and cheesy crackers.
Tyto: Except Tristan who got milk.
Me: You're right, Tristan can't drink lemonade, yet, so he had milk. When they landed, they got their car and drove past the big blue horse with the red eyes and stopped to buy flowers for Nana from Chip and Dale, who also asked if they could come to Nana and Papa's.
Tyto: And then Dave was selling papa cheese so they stopped to buy that for Papa!
Me: You're right, it wouldn't be fair to just bring Nana a present. So, Spreckle and his family, mama, Chi, Tristan, Tyler, Elmo, Cookie Monster, Big Bird, Oscar, Grover, Chip, Dale, and Dave all went to see Nana and Papa.
Tyto: And Alvin, Simon and Theodore.
Me: Where did we pick them up?
Tyto: They were on the plane, too!
Me: Okay. So they all surprised Nana! When Nana came to the door she said, "oh my goodness! Look at all these people! Tyto, Tristan, give me a hug! Goodness, I'll need to order some more pizza!"
Tyto: With Canadian bacon and tomatoes!
Me: Yes, all different kinds. While they were waitinig for the pizza, they decided to go up to Boulder to play in the river and on the mall.

Me: Yes, and then they went into the river and it was very cold, and mama was a bonehead and didn't bring swim suits for anyone so they got a little wet from the river. But it felt good and it was beautiful.
Me: And when they got home that evening, they were very tired and very hungry and the pizza still wasn't there. So they had to go to bed without dinner and they were very sad...
Tyto: But then Daddy came over and brought doughnuts for everyone!
Me: And they had doughnuts for dinner? Really?
Tyto: Yes! It was a healthy dinner, I promise!
Me: I don't know about that, but okay. So after eating their healthy donut dinner, they all crashed into their beds exhausted from their long day, ready to catch some zzzzz's so they could go on another adventure tomorrow.
Tyto: And they went to the firestation for a panpake breakfast when they woke up! And there was a parade!
Me: Was it for Buffalo Bill Days?
Tyto: Yes, and they got candy!
Me: Cool. Then after the parade they came home and rode cars down the street through the sprinklers.
Tyto: And then they went to Casa Bonita and went into Black Bart's Cave and there was a hand!
Me: A big scary hairy hand that came out and them and growled and they screamed and started running but then they heard a voice that said, "stop!" and they said, "no! you're scary!" and the voice said, "no, I'm just a hungry bear, that was my stomach you heard, not me growling. I've been hibernating for a long time, do you think you could get me some sopapias?" and they said "sure!" and they went out and came back with the biggest platter of sopapias you've ever seen
Tyto: and honey
Me: yes, and honey and they had a picnic in the cave and then they went and saw a puppet show.
Tyto: And then they went to the acquarium! Me: And they saw fish and fed the rays and got a Shamu tattoo! Weren't they lucky!
Tyto: And they saw the karks, too!
Me: Yes, they saw the sharks, too. Then they were so tired, they had to go home and go to bed. By then, the pizza had finally arrived so they ate their pizza and then they said "sweet dreams" to everyone and climbed into their beds and went to sleep. Good night and THE END!
Tyto: Tell me another Speckles story! The one about going to the Hermosa Beach fair!
And on and on it goes, all day long sometimes. I don't have to worry about too much television rotting his brain because he definitely has a pretty good imagination thus far. Hopefully, he'll be able to tell some of these stories to Tristan when he gets big enough. Tristan, by the way, is adorable!! He is such a love and has that perfect baby gushiness going on right now. He's got dimples where there aren't joints in his legs and arms, he's in 9-month clothes already and he's just super curious about the entire world. 50% of the people we know say he looks just like Tyler, the other 50% say he doesn't look a thing like his brother. They aren't twins, but you can definitely tell they are related. I suspect/hope they will be good friends. Tyto already makes Tristan laugh and smile as he runs around and Tristan just beams at him. One of my favorite parts of the day is in the morning when Tristan and I have been up for about an hour and Tyler finaly gets up around 6:30. Tristan and I go in to wake him up and Tyler just grabs for his baby bro to give him a big hug, then they lay on the carpet together just snuggling (or smothering in some cases, I never thought I'd have to say, "Tyler, stop licking your brother!"). I just love it!
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yeah, finally a post. i've been waiting for an update since JULY!
it looks like y'all had a great time and i love tyler's imagination.
lara! your boys are beautiful! you look wonderful as well. was just in colorado for kristy's wedding. brought the whole family. the kids love estes park. anyhow, i'm glad to see all is well! xoxo
ps are you on facebook?
Miss u so much Tyto :(
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