Tristan, that is. Off and running. Well, not running yet, but he wanders all over the place, Charlie Chaplan-style, usually holding his favorite drumstick. We corral him in the playroom as much as we can, but he grows tired of it and wants out and when he wants out, HE WANTS OUT! So, I generally let him out knowing that the house is baby proofed. And then he wanders. Wanders to his bedroom to check out his books. Then to Tyto's room to look for used binkies (he won't take one of his own, but likes to chew on Tyler's used ones, it's pretty gross. He also likes to chew on shoes, the dirtier the better. Ew.). Then back to the living room to play with the trains and look for the TV remote to slobber on. I looked over while doing dishes and couldn't see him but then saw his shadow coming out from the dining room and he was just waddling back into the kitchen to give me a little sugar. He's Mr. Independent and he cracks us up how he just doesn't care if we're around or not. We've lately taught him to raise his arms in the air after we ask him, "How big are you? So big!" so he'll be wandering around and we'll say, "So big" and he'll shoot his arms up in the air. Here's a video of me trying to get him to do it. He did it once at the beginning, but then was just bothered by me following him around.
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Walking has been Tristan's biggest accomplishment this month, followed by eating normal people food and totally shunning baby food. He really wants nothing to do with it, but I keep pushing it (and my luck) knowing it's good for him. It's much better than the fireplace rocks I found him eating the other morning. Or the piece of foam he bit off of one of the squishy toys we had. Or even Uncle Ed's full cup of (luckily) cold coffee that he grabbed off the table, drenching himself and then licking the cup. Yes, he keeps us busy. And speaking of which, here are a few photo ops of what we've been up to this month.
The St. Patty's Day parade. Yes, we are drunk on the candy they handed out. Everyone else is just drunk.
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