I'm not even going to mention that an old man is snoring. But, maybe an old woman! Yep, I turned 40 on January 16th and John and I got up to San Francisco to celebrate. Nothing reminds you more that you are old than staying up late drinking then paying for it in the morning. Oh to be young and alcoholic again. Alas, we did have a really fun, albeit rainy, time, especially since Jackie and Tom Lynch joined us! Outside Vesuvios where the beakniks used to hang. This is us, before we were beat.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Cathy and Kevin flew in to help Aleksa take care of the munchkins. Tristan here was channeling his inner Scarlet O'Hara for the folks.
And, once we got home, the rain began. It rained and it rained and it rained some more. Tristan, aka "Puddle-dude" was in heaven. Tyler, too, because rain meant we stayed inside more and played imaginary stories.
Finally, FINALLY, the sun came out and we got to go to the beach, which was glorious. Boy are we spoiled with the weather out here. The storms were so bad that the waves practically washed away all the sand berms the lifeguards had plowed up to protect the pier. We got in a fun day of "butt berm sliding." Loads of fun.
Tristan LOVES the water and makes a break for it every chance he gets. I'm sure he's thinking, "rats, I make a run for it one more time and we're going home," right here. Best to squash their little dreams early. Ha ha! Actually, this is him taking a breather after being in the water, sliding down the berms, collecting rocks and shells and running all over the place.
Happy New Year! I've been terribly inconsistent (shall we say nonexistent?) about blogging. Shame, shame, shame!! My resolution is to blog more consistently. It may not be pretty, or well-thought out, but I do promise to blog more often. Here goes! What better way to start the new year than to have a Silly String fight?
Happy New Year! Tyler pops off a "popper" with a firework inside. He's addicted to them and snap-n-pops now.
"Where to, Miss?" Tristan is quite the driver. He looks quite mellow here, but get him behind the wheel of his buggy and he is road rage personified. Tyler likes to play D.J. and work the cd player in our car while Tristan drives. We do this at least once a day.
Santa may be gone, but his replacement is still here! Ho ho ho!!!
While the rest of the country freezes, we are basking in the sun at the beach. I didn't even mind that Tristan ran into the freezing water because it was so warm out! We did a run of "sledding" rides down the hill, too. This is how I get my exercise! Tyler usually hops out as I'm trying to catch my breath and immediately wants to go again saying, "Come on, Mama! What are you waiting for? Let's go!"