He's here! And what an incredible anniversary present he makes (no forgetting our anniversary now, John!). We didn't have him scheduled to arrive until May 1st, a few days after my due date. But, he'd been giving us some signs that he was going to arrive early for the past few weeks. I was trying to push it to May 1st to get some real estate deals closed, but Tristan was having no part of it. On Tuesday I had some pretty major contractions so after we got Tyler to sleep that night, we got a sitter and went to the hospital, bag packed "just in case." Luckily my contractions weren't close enough together and they sent us home. That little episode was enough to make Nana and Papa get on a plane two weeks early and they arrived Wednesday night. Thursday morning at 6:30a.m. I felt a contraction and then my water broke. We all got Tyler ready for preschool, dropped him off and John and I went to the hospital where they confirmed my water did indeed break and that we were going to have a baby in two hours! John's eyes got as wide as saucers at that news and he went to go call everyone. The c-section went really well and at 1:20p.m. on our fourth anniversary, we had a new, beautiful, sweet baby boy! Tristan weighed in at 7 lbs, 10 oz and was 21 inches long. He was such a sweetie in the hospital, too. They would bring him to me at night for his feedings and he wouldn't even be crying (he snapped out of that in a hurry once we got home). I cherished that time in the hospital when everything was just still and we could watch the palm trees swaying in the breeze and wait for our daily visit from Tyto, Daddy and Nana and Papa. What a priceless moment in our lives.
Let me plant a sloppy big brother kiss on ya!
Big brother Tyto LOVES his baby! He wants to snuggle up so close I have to tell him to get off the baby. "He's so coot! He's so cuddy! He's so sweet! He's so tiny!" He says in this high-pitched baby voice. He truly is in love with his baby brother, it is adorable!
Flapjack and Tristan, snoozin' away the day.
When Tyler was a baby I practically sealed him inside for an entire month. Tristan is going to have a completely different experience, mostly out of necessity for Tyto. Here we are at the Hermosa Farmer's Market, roughly a week after Tristan was born. His first major outing! Hooray!
1 comment:
I'm moving on to the next chapter with y'all. Tyler is a super cute big brother and I can't wait to meet Tristan. Soon I hope!
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