Our household is, to me, in chaos. There are toys everywhere. Baby blankets are all over the dining room table. Baby clothes are all over the sofa in various stacks of "too small, fits, and will eventually fit." Hats and socks are on the end tables. Playdough squishes under my toes when I walk into the kitchen. Bottles and sippy cups have taken over the kitchen counter along with cookies and Lysol wipes. There isn't a corner of living space in this house that doesn't include evidence that we have small children and I'm relishing it for I know it's fleeting and this time is going to go by so fast. "Everything is perfect, just as it is" is a saying my yoga friend once told me when I was complaining about the mess and she's right. So, as I sat down to do this post I found a ton of pictures I wanted to include that didn't exactly fit into a cohesive outline or story. Most are of my adorable boys and while I know that most parents think their kids are the most beautiful kids in the world (thank God we all do), I'm pretty sure that mine really are.
Tristan at 3 weeks - I love this photo! He wore this outfit once and then outgrew it the next day.
This child gets a ton of kisses on his beautiful dark hair. The ones from Tyler usually leave behind cookie crumbs.
Tyler gives Elton John a run for his money.
Tyler had to give Tristan a hug - what a sweet boy!
Tyto greets me from preschool with a mustache, beard and glasses. What a great disguise!
Breakfast with the firetrucks. Let's not waste one second of the day staying dry.
Loving sharing the backseat with his new bro on the way home from the hospital.
Papa and Tristan!
Tiny tootsies!
Tyler insists Tristan join the picnic.
I can't stop kissing this head!
Tyto's pineapple "wand."
Nana and Tristan!

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