Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Running around town

We have done so much stuff lately, it is impossible to keep up! I wish I could blog and scrapbook every moment of their little lives so they (and I) will never forget what a great time we are all having. But, since there is still laundry to do, dinner to cook, shopping to be done, etc., the scrapbooking and regular blogging will have to wait a while longer. In the meantime, here are a couple of movies: one from our trip to Disneyland for Tyler's 4th birthday where we spent the night in the hotel next to the park and the boys got just as big of a kick out of running down the halls as they did on the rides (they are a bunch of cheap dates), and another of the little train at our mall that they ride all the time and Tristan is waving so enthusiastically, I just had to post it! Let the chaos continue!

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing

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